Macau logistics services refer to freight logistics services such as cargo transport, warehousing and distribution between mainland China and Macao. With the increasing frequency of economic exchanges between the two places, Macau logistics services have become an important bridge to promote trade between the two places. Macau cargo transport services involve a variety of transport modes, customs clearance procedures, cargo tracking and information services, etc., aiming at efficient and safe transport of goods from mainland China to Macau or vice versa.

We provide round-trip Macau freight transport services from mainland China to Macau.

The main advantages and features of our Macau freight forwarding service are:

  • We can provide round-trip two-way transport service from Mainland China to Macau. 
  • Specialised operation and a wide range of transport vehicle services are available. 
  • Daily round trip, 24 hours professional customs declaration and inspection service. 
  • Door-to-door service can be realised, which can be delivered to the terminal, airport, or warehouse.
Macau Logistics



  • 提供从珠海到澳门散货到门服务。
  • 可送舱:海运舱,机场舱,私人舱。
  • 其他区域可发到我司本地仓库。


  • 提供全国各地到澳门的整车陆运门到门服务。
  • 提供厢式吨车:3吨车、5吨车、8吨车、10吨车、12吨车等。
  • 提供特种车:平板车、矮排车、飞翼车、冷藏车等各种车型。
  • 提供全国各地发到澳门的整车陆运服务。
  • 提供整车货物出口及进口服务。
  • 提供进出口货物本地暂存仓储服务。

